Hello, I’m Kiran Nirvan, Paralegal at Birdi & Co.
I assist with various tasks and correspond with clients on a daily basis. I am practically a mini Rachel Zane in the making.
I also have an interest in compliance and help to ensure the firm adheres to all policies and procedures.
I maintain a positive outlook, seeing the good in all. My enthusiastic approach to my work provides me with internal satisfaction. I am dedicated to learning more as I am exposed to a variety of ongoing matters. I often write articles and research cases which demonstrate my eagerness to enhance my existing knowledge.
Forget the façade
I allow my bubbly personality to flourish at Birdi & Co. I am accepted as my real self; my opinions are valued, and my comments are acknowledged. I am part of a family which cares about my future and pushes me to be the best I can be.
I was a finalist for Miss Great Britain London 2024. I often fundraise for charities that are dear to my heart to give back to the community. At present, I am completing my LPC MSc and aspire to become a Solicitor and Compliance Officer specialising in the corporate sector.